Friday, August 10, 2007

De-tach-ment. Can you?
a.k.a. Let go or be dragged ...

I was on this very topic yesterday with a friend. Her parting words were something like it sounded like a good idea but she had “never been good at detaching.” Hours went by before I had the “ah ha!” Detachment does not come easily to anyone! It is one of the most difficult of all the Love Skills to master …

Would you like to learn more, like "how to" detach? Click here

Why the picture of the frog? Because it is a symbol of transformation. Just because something is difficult - be it detaching or attaching - doesn't mean it is out of your reach. -Viveca

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1 comment:

NSB Happenings said...

I agree. My hubby is in touch with his feminine side, but also very manly. He can emerge himself in manly things like racing, yet embrace the gentleness of a kitten. It's really quite sexy and is the reason why I was so attracted to him in the first place.