What's on your bumper sticker?
Lately I've been on the trail - literally - of men and women who are announcing their relationship status.
The first one was "Mr. Right." I assume that Mr. Right was wanting to attract Miss Right. When he does will his next message read, "Got Love."
Then yesterday I caught this beauty ... So many men, so many reasons to sleep alone.
I don't think this is Mr. Right's love. She sounds single but more than a tad jaded and unavailable.
Got me thinking ...
We all have bumper stickers in a manner of speaking.
For example, in my 20s my bumper sticker was "Not now. Soon."
I thought I wanted love - would go through the rituals, get the guy BUT what really mattered most to me was my work. I worked all-the-time, definitely a workaholic. Most of my relationships lasted six months. Many were with men in other states or countries.
I thought I wanted love - would go through the rituals, get the guy BUT what really mattered most to me was my work. I worked all-the-time, definitely a workaholic. Most of my relationships lasted six months. Many were with men in other states or countries.
Another good bumper sticker could have been "Unbalanced, unavailable woman. Six months then bust."
In my 30s I would say that my bumper sticker was "Looking for men to fix." Fix, change, manipulate, control - yep I was on a mission to avoid dealing with myself!
Then around 41, 42 something in me clicked. So did my bumper sticker. It now read "Getting Ready For Love." That is when I started the radio show, started reading all those books about love and starting heeding the relationship advice of all those experts.
Guess what? Our bumper stickers attract our reality.
"Not now, soon" Soon never arrives nor did Love.
"Looking for men to fix." I got plenty and then some.
"Getting ready for Love" I did and I got it.
"Looking for men to fix." I got plenty and then some.
"Getting ready for Love" I did and I got it.
This is an invitation for you to come clean - be honest with yourself. (And share with us.)
What's on your bumper sticker right now?
If you are not sure, look at your results. A mentor used to tell me to look at my results because they were "sometimes harsh but always fair."
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