Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Kiss.

Kisses come in all shapes, sizes and silhouettes.
Here is one of mine.

E-mail me one of yours and I will post it here.

Somehow this is going to turn into a kissing contest or a drawing or a lottery. Don't ask me how. The idea is coming to me on the fly & it is f-u-n!

Oh. One more thing.

Look around you. Is there anyone nearby that you could hug or kiss?
If yes, do it.

If no, is there someone within a five minute walk? five minute drive?
Go for it.

Is there someone within your e-mail radius that you would like to kiss? Just send this post to them. No conditions attached. The only thing attached is ... a kiss from you, to them.

Kissy Kissy. Ummmmm. Ummmmmm.

P.S. E-mail me your kiss (photograph or drawing) to Viveca@GetReadyForLove.com Can’t wait to see it!

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