I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I love dearly. We have many things in common and enjoy our time together. We have only one problem, but it is a big one. He is a spender and I am a saver. He loves to shop for clothes and electronics and only buys the best of everything. When we travel, we stay in the finest hotels and enjoy great meals. I certainly can't complain about that, but I have simple tastes, am satisfied with much less, and my bank account and investments are substantial. He, on the other hand, has very few assets.
Needless to say, I know a pre-nuptial agreement is in order, but I am more concerned about our relationship when we marry. I am afraid that he may feel that he is paying for everything and I am not holding up my end, since I have the assets. I feel we must find some common ground before we get hitched so that we both feel comfortable with our finances. I think that we are doomed for failure if we cannot agree beforehand. Can you help?
Click here for the rest of the story i.e. our couple's free relationship advice for Debra ...
-contributed by Sheryl P. Kirland, author, Everlasting Matrimony Pearls of Wisdom From Couples Married 50 years Or More
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