Friday, August 31, 2007

Big thanks to Keven McCarthy of the The On-Purpose® Proverb‏ f( for bringing this lovely and loving movie to my attention. Now I'd like to share it with you.

Click here to view and know that Love is Spelled "T-I-M-E" for all of us.

Use your time well ...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I have a small, eclectic and growing collection of favorite love quotes.

Do peruse and jump in! Just on "comments" to add to the list ...

Soul meets soul on lover's lips. ~ by Percy Bysshe Shelly ~

There's no remedy for Love but to Love more. -Henry David Thoreau

Trouble is part of your life - if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a change to love you enough.- Dinah Shore

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I just love Terry Hernon MacDonald's BLOG. Do you know it? It goes by the name of This week's post On Being the CEO of Your Dating Life is priceless!

This morning on Today, ad exec Donny Deutsch offered dating advice to a single mother. The 38-year-old never-married woman, who has a job she "loves" and a 4-year-old she "adores," is reluctant to throw her life out of balance by getting involved with a man. She says she has supportive friends and family. She seemed pretty content to me.I'm sure Donny meant well. He suggested that this woman "test market" dating, so that "five years out," when her daughter may be tired of hanging out with her ... click here to read the rest of this story!

Psst. While you're at it -- Terry's book "Marry Smart" is an excellent read if you are musing about, pondering, wondering, hoping, considering or even, just about to get married!

I interviewed her years ago on the Get Ready For Love Show and her insights, and her book, contributed to my altar bound experience. What I learned then still applies - absolutely - in my marriage.

Your turn to get the scoop? Click here for more info and to order your copy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This spring I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Lerner on the topic of her best-seller, The Dance of Fear. Eye opening, ear opening - WOW interview. If you, or someone you love -- like your teen-ager, sister or mom -- dances with fear, anxiety or shame please make a pot of tea, get comfortable and click above to listen up ...

You can also benefit from these excerpt from this best-seller ... Maybe you will even give it a try? If you do - let me know how you did and what you experienced ...

-excerpt from The Dance of Fear

By Harriet Lerner

Cured in a day? It happened like this:

I was surprised to get a call from Frank, a former therapy client who now lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His work was bringing him back to Kansas for a two-day seminar, and he wanted to know if I would meet with him. I hadn’t seen Frank since he and his wife, Ann, terminated marital therapy with me many years earlier. They appeared to be doing well, but Frank told me that shortly after they moved to Tulsa, Ann ended their marriage. Frank was devastated at the time, but he reported that he was now doing fine—“except for one thing.”

“What’s the problem?” I asked.

“Maybe I was traumatized by the divorce,” Frank replied, “but ever since Ann left me, I’ve been terrified of rejection.” He went on to explain that he hadn’t dated since his marriage ended two years earlier. He was drawn to a woman at work named Liz, but the mere thought of asking her out paralyzed him. Now Frank wanted to pick my brain for one session about how he might solve this specific problem.

I knew that Frank was a roll-up-your-sleeves, fix-it sort of guy, so it didn’t surprise me that he hoped for a quick solution. Since I more typically work with people slowly and over time, I was uncertain how much help I could provide in a single session. But I had recently attended a workshop conducted by Cloe Madanes, a therapist acclaimed for her innovative strategies. I recalled one particular intervention that Madanes had described for a man whose problem was quite similar to Frank’s. I had a strong intuition that this directive would be perfect. At worst, it would do no harm.

Click here to find out how, what, where and if Frank was able to overcome his fear of rejection. I won't tell -- you have to find out for yourself!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Relationship Advice : “Back-Talk!” – we go back to the real-life relationship experts – couples who have been married 50 years or more. Husband and wife will each give their experienced answer to a relationship problem.

I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I love dearly. We have many things in common and enjoy our time together. We have only one problem, but it is a big one. He is a spender and I am a saver. He loves to shop for clothes and electronics and only buys the best of everything. When we travel, we stay in the finest hotels and enjoy great meals. I certainly can't complain about that, but I have simple tastes, am satisfied with much less, and my bank account and investments are substantial. He, on the other hand, has very few assets.

Needless to say, I know a pre-nuptial agreement is in order, but I am more concerned about our relationship when we marry. I am afraid that he may feel that he is paying for everything and I am not holding up my end, since I have the assets. I feel we must find some common ground before we get hitched so that we both feel comfortable with our finances. I think that we are doomed for failure if we cannot agree beforehand. Can you help?


Click here for the rest of the story i.e. our couple's free relationship advice for Debra ...

-contributed by Sheryl P. Kirland, author, Everlasting Matrimony Pearls of Wisdom From Couples Married 50 years Or More
Secrets of the Law of Attraction
and how you can use it to attract Love & Money ...

This was one of my first interviews on the Get Ready for Love Radio Show. The guests were Sandra Anne Taylor, Terry Hernon MacDonald, Loral Langemeier, Gregg Krech, Marilyn Jenett & Sonia Choquette.

If you haven't taken the time to tune in and hear how easy it is to apply the Law of Attraction to Love -- well, what can I say? Just do it!

Just click here and do pass this page onto a girlfriend, mom friend, sister ... they will love you for it.

Monday, August 20, 2007

I want to congratulate on its 6 years of excellent programming on a wide range of topics AND making all of it available to us, 24/7.

In case you don’t know … is the leading “Internet Radio” Show Station. This is also where yours truly began the Get Ready for Love! Show which got me ready for Love, engaged and married! (They even hooked me up with an awesome wedding planner!)

Anyhoo the show goes on and you should check them out. One of my favorite shows is HayHouse Radio with hosts like Sonia Choquette; Dr. Wayne W. Dyer; Debbie Ford,; Mary Goulet; Dharma Singh Khalsa; Summer McStravick; Caroline Myss; Mona Lisa Schulz and Marianne Williamson.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

True Love Story: Turn On Your Love Light at the Blood Drive

Giving blood with a date may seem like an odd alternative to getting tickets to Daddy Day Camp, but it's an adventure. It's a scary thing for a lot of people. It requires sacrifice, which is kind of attractive. It requires vulnerability, which is definitely attractive.

For the rest of this unique love story, click here!

Friday, August 17, 2007

On-Line Book Reviews & The Get Ready For Love Recommended Reading List include:
Nelson, Tommy, The Song of Solomon A Study of Love, Sex, Marriage, and Romance: Study Guide
(Mafe told me about this one - it is a biblical point of view - I am fascinated to find out what our elders have to say - could advice from then work now? I'll let you know!)

Ponder, Catherine, The Healing Secrets of the Ages
This is a wow read. Applies everywhere -- heart, body, mind, finances ...

Breathnach, Sarah Ban, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
I am reading a page here and there & loving it!

Dr. Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Fear Rising Above Anxiety, Fear & Shame to Be Your Best & Bravest Self

Trust Your Vibes 33 Secrets to Living a Six Sensory Life

For many more recommendations, many of which include interviews with their authors, click here or go to:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It is not the solution to a problem that builds a healthy relationship. It is the PROCESS OF PROBLEM SOLVING ...- Dr. Belle

So, you're Getting Ready for Love! in a society where the divorce rate hovers around the 50% mark. Well, be careful. What you're looking for may be based on seductive expectations and myths about romance that grew out of centuries old concepts of Courtly Love and Romantic Love.

Until merged in the new world by the Puritans (yes, they originally sanctified passion through marriage), passion and marriage were essentially irreconcilable. Their origins and ends made them mutually exclusive. Courtly Love between a knight and his married lady of nobility was ALWAYS chaste and asexual: that would be the Knights of the Round Table variety, made legend by Lancelot and Guinevere. Then, as well demonstrated by Shakespeare in his tragedies, in order to have the unrequited love and intensity of emotion called for in Romantic Love, the beloved must remain unattainable. So often, these contradictory ideas coexist in our unconscious mind giving us automatic assumptions about what a relationship with another person is, what we should feel, and what we should get out of it.

Click here to read the rest of this article, MYTHS FROM ROMANTIC LOVE

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Love Links continued ...

Like I pointed out a couple days ago ... the "Love Links" section of the Get Ready For Love! Website is full of unexpected & eclectic tips, tools & techniques to get you ready ♥ set ♥ GO

in Love. Here are just the B Love Links ...

Baggage to Bed?
If I Were Brave
Hug Your Body Right!
if the Buddha dated ...
Books, Books, Books!your relationship reading list ...
favorite blueberry recipe
Do you have an achey breaky heart?

P.S. Do you have material you would like to contribute to the Love Links? If so, please e-mail me at

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Spent a couple hours this afternoon with one of my best friends -- shopping, giggling over clothes and styles that don't fit and found a couple that did.

We ended up in her garden and I took this photo.

Friends make our lives beautiful. Here's proof.

Who can you visit today - tomorrow? Do it.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Have you visited the "Love Links" section of the Get Ready For Love! Website? It is full of unexpected & eclectic tips tools & techniques to get you ready ♥ set ♥ GO in Love.

Here are just the A Love Links ...

A $20 Dollar Bill
Adrenal Fatigue Be Gone!
Your ATTRACTION Quotient!
And ...
Free Relationship Advice
Are you Highly Sensitive in Love?
Anxiety - Why Am I So Anxious?
♥ Relationship Advice

P.S. Do you have material you would like to contribute to the Love Links? If so, please e-mail me at

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Favorite Love Quotes

The best proof of Love is trust.
-Dr. Joyce Brothers

This is a reminder for you to trust ... starting with trusting yourself. -Viveca

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I am always reading about Love. I said from the very beginning that Love is a skill and we have to use it or lose it. Well not really lose it but get rusty, oh yeah.

Anyway ... a colleague and inspiration of mine says that we are - we create - we attract what we focus on most. She's written the book on it called Marry Smart How To Attract And Marry The Man Of Your Dreams.

Terry Herndon MacDonald was one of my first interviews on the Get Ready For Love! Radio Show - she is one of the ones that helped me get "mine" and continues to help me stay on track in Loveland. She is just a doll. You gotta meet her.

Take a moment - click here to go to T's interview page and learn how she used the Law of Attraction to get "hers" and marry smart.

Friday, August 10, 2007

De-tach-ment. Can you?
a.k.a. Let go or be dragged ...

I was on this very topic yesterday with a friend. Her parting words were something like it sounded like a good idea but she had “never been good at detaching.” Hours went by before I had the “ah ha!” Detachment does not come easily to anyone! It is one of the most difficult of all the Love Skills to master …

Would you like to learn more, like "how to" detach? Click here

Why the picture of the frog? Because it is a symbol of transformation. Just because something is difficult - be it detaching or attaching - doesn't mean it is out of your reach. -Viveca

BTW - Are you registered for the Get Ready For Love! Newsletter? Click here for a sample and to register.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Manly men ... step aside?

LONDON (AFP) - Women see masculine-looking men as more unsuitable long-term partners but men with more feminine features are seen as more committed and less likely to stray, researchers said Wednesday.

hmmmm. What do you think? Yes? No?

Click here for the rest of the story ...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How to Bounce Back from A Break Up (Contributed by Terry Hernon MacDonald)

If you've been with me for a while, you know I'm a proponent of EFT (or Emotional Freedom Technique). It got me through a wicked case of insomnia and panic attacks, for instance, during my mother's illness and after her death.

Holistic Health Counselor Alison Held recommends EFT for healing a broken heart. If you're like me, I didn't bounce back from failed relationships well (tended to pack on the pounds and wallow in misery) and held myself back from finding happiness with a more suitable guy.

Click here to go to the for the rest of the story ...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

You are such a cutie pie!

Do you know that?

Do you ever tell yourself that?

There is no time like the present to start ...

Click here to enjoy one of my all-time-favorite self-love tools called "The Wake Up Happy Face Exercise."

-contributed by Janet Bernson, The Healing Artist

Monday, August 06, 2007

People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning.
– Lao-Tzu

Do you feel yourself "failing" or lagging in one of more of your significant other relationships? Let this be a reminder to persevere. Love is worth it.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Try? There is no try. There is only do or do not do.
-Yoda, in the Empire Strikes Back

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Refresh your self, your heart and your spirit with the Colors of the Chakras Meditation.
When you feel better it is easier to give and receive L-O-V-E, don't you agree?

I was just inspired to put this together this morning! Give it a try and let me know how you like it ... Click here to go to the Fatigue Be Gone! Blog and to the mediation. Enjoy!