Friday, June 01, 2007

Divine Love is at work in this situation.
None of these things move me.
This too shall pass.
-Catherine Ponder Affirmation

Sometimes the best thing we can do for our relationship is to step back, take a big breath and change how we are reacting to it. That is what I am doing today. I can't change it "the relationship" but I can change me and my thoughts. The above affirmation helps. I use it like a mantra to clear my mind until that feeling of relief - peace comes in.

Does this apply to you?


Anonymous said...

I am going to try this affirmation to help me in my relationship. I am letting this relationship eat away at me. I do need to change the way I am reacting. I love this person, but we are not meant to live together. When this person moves out at the end of the month I'm sure the relationship will resume its normal course.
Praying for peace within.

Anonymous said...

Let me know how it works for you ... -Viveca