Emotional Freedom -- Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life!
One of the easiest ways to get ready for love and grow in love is to ... read. Devour books on the subject and talk about them with your friends. Emotional Freedom is one of those books. It is jam-crammed with powerful information, exercises and easy activities to help you know (and love) yourself.
Here is a snippet of info from between the covers.
Know thyself.-Socrates.
Chapter 4: From Intellectuals to Empaths: What Is Your Emotional Type?
The "types" covered are: Intellectual, Empath, The Rock and The Gusher.
Each type includes a complete description, quiz to help you determine if that is indeed your type, the "upside" and "downside" to the type and, finally, an "Emotional Action Step" to help you balance all sides and achieve -- Emotional Freedom.
I am an Empath who can tend to Gush! And what might you be? Take a guess just based on the words alone ... Later when you've read the chapter and journaled a tad, post your "Ah Ha" here.